hey, its me.
on the last post,
i told u that Demyx, Vexen, and Lexaeus beat me up.
they all got expelled.
the principal told me that they all need to replace the money in my wallet and pay for a new cell phone.
but they r all gone.
never to be seen again.
Vexen and lexaeus i hated anyway,
weve been best friends since i came to that school.
and now,
he hates my guts.
and i hate his.
i never want to see his face again
on a lighter subject
Final Fantasy 13 came out recently!!
i have to buy it! soo bad!
ohhh and a question.
if u had to get rid of one of kairi's alter igos
who would u choose?
Namine or Xion?
Most people are going to say Xion because fangirls hate her for no reason. I for one think namine....she doesn't really do anything. She doesn't mean anything to rxas but the fans think so because shes kairi's nobby? Well I think thats silly. Roxas best friend is axel and hes not riku's nobby. Roxas Gf is Xion and shes not kairi's nobby. But hey thats just me.
see, i always thought that namine was roxas gf.
ReplyDeletei always thought that xion was like a lil sister to him.
nope. Roxas never new namine. thast the point that Nomuro tried to get across but know excepts it....oh well....If Roxas could remember Xion he'd followe her.....why does it bother you anyway. I'm kind of curious...